Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My latest movie to open and premiere at the 49th Monte Carlo TV Festival on June 7, 2009

It started with a phone call on June 2008 from a production company in New York, who wanted to produce a movie about the people, who navigated and created the conditions for the negotiations which led to the peace process between Israel and Egypt.

I was asked to arrange some interviews with people that were involved with the first Camp David Peace Accord negotiations, which took place between the years 1977-1979.

I placed the phone calls for the interviews from California. Within three weeks, the producers and I went to Israel and had conducted interviews with Supreme Court Justice Elyakim, Rubinstein, Prof. Arye Naor, who was the Secretary of the Begin government, Major General Shlomo Gazit who was the head of the intelligence forces of the IDF, Dan Patir the Communications Advisor for PM Begin; Dr. Meir Rozen who helped craft the documents of the agreements; Yehiel Kadishai, who was Begin's right hand and closest friend; Avraham ( Avrash ) Tamir, who was an Minister of Parliament after his years as a General in the IDF, Yael Dayan, then a Deputy Mayor of Tel-Aviv, and journalists Smadar Peri and David Landau.

The stories are amazing.

While in Jerusalem I was asked by one of the Executive Producers how to have a red carpet opening for the movie? I came up with the idea to have the Opening night at the Monte Carlo TV Festival.

My husband, Farrell Meisel contacted David Tomatis, the director of the Festival and met him in Monte Carlo, where he presented the idea. David agreed.

Now, after nearly a year, Prince Albert II of Monaco will open the TV Festival. Not only the movie will be premiere in the Festival, it will be the opening movie of the Festival.

For the first time ever, a documentary movie will open the TV Festival in Monte Carlo, June 7, 2009.

When we came back from Israel. August 2008, I was asked by the executive producers to arrange the US interviews, which I did. We went to Washington DC to interview Jerry Rafshoon, who was President Carter's media advisor; Ambassador Samuel Lewis, William (Bill) Quandt, Stuart Eisenstat; Dr. Zbignew Brzezinski, and Wolf Blitzer, who was then the Washington Bureau Chief for The Jerusalem Post.

From there, we went to Atlanta to interview President Carter, which was very moving.

The last interview was conducted with Dr. Henry Kissinger in New York on April 1, 2009.

I am very happy that I have been able to achieve all these interviews.

The crew went to Egypt to interview Boutros-Boutros Ghali, and some other Egyptian politicians. I had arranged those interviews through an Egyptian producer contact, who was recommended to me by Smadar Peri and Hanani Rapaport from Jerusalem Capital Studios.